openblas-src 0.9.0

The package provides a source of BLAS and LAPACK via OpenBLAS.

openblas-src Package Documentation Build Build

The package provides a source of BLAS and LAPACK via OpenBLAS.

The usage of the package is explained here.

The following Cargo features are supported:

  • cache to build in .cargo instead of target (see below),
  • cblas to build CBLAS (enabled by default),
  • lapacke to build LAPACKE (enabled by default),
  • static to link to OpenBLAS statically, and
  • system to skip building the bundled OpenBLAS.


The cache feature allows the OpenBLAS build products to be reused between crates that have different target directories. This avoids rebuilding OpenBLAS unnecessarily. However, this also prevents cargo clean from working properly, since the aforementioned build products will not be removed by the command.

Cross Compilation

Apart from providing the --target option to cargo build, one also has to specify the cross-compilation variables of OpenBLAS. They can be set as environment variables for cargo build using the OPENBLAS_ prefix as follows: OPENBLAS_CC, OPENBLAS_FC, OPENBLAS_HOSTCC, and OPENBLAS_TARGET.


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